Cross Border Wire Transfer Remittance (CBWTR) analysis
Service Recovery
Risk Mitigation Process and Risk Assessment Record (Analysis of customers’ complaints whether they are bank-induced or customer-induced)
RBI & Banking Ombudsman compliances
Reclassification of Customer Complain (Re-tagging of Service requests of customer complaints as per requirements of RBI for reporting purposes)
Lodgement, assignment, follow-up for Service Request ( Sharing the service request from various portals to respective departments of the bank for resolutions)
Statutory Notices analysis (Fulfilling statutory requirements from multiple stakeholders of the bank)
Corporate Business Group SME Screening
Risk Consultancy
Risk Secretarial Advisory
Builder Subvention (Auditing and re-calculating the interest of the subvention period of the loan)
Direct Marketing Agent (DMA) Onboarding (Verification of data while onboarding to an agent)
CRILIC Mangerial work ( Verification of individual data about the exposure)
Overdraft and CERSAI Verification
Loan Closure analysis (Verfiying with all the clousre requirements of the loan)
Corporate Banking
Corporate Internet Banking (CIB) compliance
Cash Management System (CMS) Logistics Current Account